ADK World

Release: November 10, 1995 | Rating 6.5/10

Author: Digmac from

If you’re an ADK fan or you’re looking for something exclusive to play on your Neo Geo CD, this is up your alley. For everyone else, ADK World is simply a curiosity. 

Guest Review by Digmac from the neo-archive and

There’s no doubt that ADK was an integral part of the Neo Geo story. Not only were they responsible for the hardware itself, but they developed and released an impressive 18 games on the Neo Geo and Neo Geo CD between 1990 and 1996. To give something back to the fans of the company, ADK developed a Neo Geo CD exclusive entitled “ADK World, which featured a variety of mini games and information surrounding the company’s IP’s and characters. 

When you first start ADK World you’re greeted by a small map of ADK Town, apparently where everyone and everything related to ADK resides. On the map you have seven different buildings to choose from, starting from the top, going left to right, here are your options:

Graphically and musically speaking, there’s nothing here that will surprise you. ADK World likely wasn’t at the top of the priority list, and given that it’s a variety game, I think that it’s par for the course. There’s some cute “chibi” versions of ADK characters which they animated for the game, and the “ADK Town” theme music has a good chance of getting stuck in your head, but nothing really stands out to me in this regard.

Since we’re talking about a Neo Geo CD game, this review wouldn’t be complete without a breakdown of the loading times:

Depending on how long you’re playing/browsing each one of these options, the loading will either be reasonable, or take as much time as you are playing. One nice thing to note is that none of the options/mini games have to load after their initial load and there’s no loading time to get back to the main “ADK Town” map once you’re done.  

In this day and age, who is ADK World for? I think its main appeal will be to the collector crowd looking for a Neo Geo CD exclusive to have in their collection. Back in its home market of Japan, when it was first released, I think the people who could get the most out of the game purchased it; diehard ADK fans who loved the works that they made. If you’re looking to pick up a copy for your Neo Geo CD it won’t set you back all that much, generally hovering around the $50 mark. There are multiple Neo Geo CD games which offer better bang for your buck at this price point, but $50 for an uncommon and obscure piece of Neo history isn’t a bad deal.